版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
If you are planning to buy or sell anything new or used faster than any other classified website, we have the best option for you on adbazar.pk. We provide free online stores to get you started with your online store without any investment.
On Adbazar you can sell anything in no time. Also visit and check what other people are selling at cheap prices which they do not want but you may need at home
-Sell your unwanted items fast through your phone.
-Chat with users directly to negotiate your deals at home.
-Add things to your watch list if you plan to buy it later in free time.
-Option to share your ads directly on Facebook pages and on WhatsApp as well as on other media to get more audience.
-Log in via Facebook or Google account for convenience.
You can find following categories on app:
Mobile brands like Samsung, Qmobile, Iphone, Huawei, Sony, Nokia.
Auto-car brands like Toyota, Honda, Suzuki, Japanese used cars like Vitz.
Houses for sale or for rent.
Plots for sale.
Business and other classfied job offers.
Wall of kindness.
All kinds of furniture.
Pets, animals and birds.
Heavy bikes and not so heavy bikes like Honda 125.
Top brands in TVs, laptops, computers, games, household appliances and much more.
Real Estate:
Apartments, hotel rooms or guest houses.
Just download the Adbazar app today and start buying/selling and create free online store. Become a part of online sellers in Pakistan.